Last Sunday I launched Pia Zadora on the crowds at the The Impro cave. In the Cast were myself, Xavier Michaledes, Rik Brown, Anna Renzenbrink, Jason Geary, Tim Redmond, Kevin Yank, Karl McConnell and Gordon Dorin on music. It was a load of fun.
Here's a review of the night:
THEATRE REVIEW: The Impro Cave, Don’t Tell Tom Bar & CafĂ© (Melbourne)
by Ronald McCoy
Arts Hub
Monday, June 23, 2008
The 2008 Impro Cave builds on the strong following built up by Impro Melbourne, one of Melbourne’s best known improvisation theatre companies through events such as Theatersports.
This season’s opening night started with a competitive playoff between improvisers, each choosing a theme that was then used to direct fellow actors through a variety of scenarios, the success of which were then voted upon by the audience.
A very “nothing ventured, nothing gained” approach rules the evening, with no scripts and free-fall acting being the norm. While never boring, there were occasional moments in the first half that didn’t quite work. However, this contrasted with the regular flashes of genius from the troupe that caught even the hardest-to-please audience members off-guard.
This was especially so in the second half of the evening, named after the legendarily and justifiably ridiculed Pia Zadora (looked it up on Wikipedia if this doesn’t mean anything to you), with a total story improvisation that started with three audience suggestions.
Watching the consistently high level of creativity in this story was a delight, with some brilliant lines that soared above the often stock-in-trade improvisation bag of tricks rolled out for such events.
The near-full house was well catered for in this very comfortable venue. Food, drink and a night of unpretentious but witty entertainment makes this charming evening out well worth a look.